Yesterday I made the "mistake" of looking through a box labeled "Inspiration" and before long had quilts happening in my head. Too bad they didn't happen as easily in the physical realm of weeds to pull, floors to sweep, company to cook for, holes to mend, and on and on.
My first quilt inspiration came from the cover of a magazine, McCall's I think but that was long before I knew to record my 'source.' A woman had made a golf quilt for her husband. It was a wall hanging, but I wanted to make that quilt. I figured it would work if the blocks were six inches instead of her four, and if I added a couple of borders. I spent hours on CorelDraw designing it and at the same time buying fabrics that seemed to fit this design. I phoned all over the city and found what I am sure was the last yardage of the golfing print that inspired the original. After hours and hours, I started to cut out the pieces. This was before I knew anything about quilting.
Finally, I laid all the pieces on the floor and stood back. I was so amazed that I started crying, and at that point was totally hooked.
At that point I also realized I didn't have a clue what I was doing. Instead of taking classes (I may not have realized there were such things), I made a half dozen or so baby quilts as practice for this one. Then I sewed it together, sandwiched it on the floor of my dining room, and quilted it on my Bernina 1630, freestyle. It has been on our bed ever since, and while the photo is a partial, the colors and general idea is here.
My husband, the golfer, understands the title, "Just a Tad Over Par." In golf, par is average, and being over par is not as good as being under. All tad aside, I still feel pleasure at this 'first quilt sort of' every time I look at it. The points match and the "quilt as desired" turned out pretty well for such a beginner.
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