Showing posts with label Cabin Steps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cabin Steps. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2018

"Cabin Steps"

My customer sent me this photo of the homespun table runner that I made for her last month. She lives in a lovely older home and was totally thrilled with how the runner looks on her sideboard. I am too. I called it "Instant Replay" with the qualifier (well, not quite) because the Olympics were on at the time and because I had the order for a year before getting at it. She likes puns and word play.

I also put the pattern for this on my Etsy page, in case anyone is interested. I called it "Cabin Steps." It was fun to make and would also look nice in a lake cabin or a country-style decor in the plaids. I'd like to try it in different fabrics, but then there are lots of things I'd like to try!