Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Which Way to Dinner?

This finish is about 32" x 40" and made of the leftovers from one that I cut out and made the blocks before deciding to change it (link). It was a great size to practice quilting on, both ruler and free-motion. To my eye, the quilting was clumsy but after it is finished, it looks okay.

Then off to a guild sew day on Saturday and was given 13 blocks and a bunch of fabric to 'make the top.' This is another charity project. Of course the blocks are not all the same size and none of them have points in the right place on the outside edges, but it is starting to look better than I feared. The setting squares will be yellow not dark like the two in the photo. I'll add a white border and make binding out of the leftover print so it will be varied around the outside and nicely frame it.

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