Yes, I'm quilting... but slowly and not very often. Major setback this past week with gushing nosebleed that would not stop. Trip to ER, taken in immediately, could not slow it down never mind stop it. Had to have it packed. Painful beyond description plus instant sinus headache. Pain killers did not work. Friday the packing was taken out, but that didn't feel good either. My head is still full of blood clots and mucus. Couldn't breathe through left side until yesterday. Sleeping good, 13 hours on Friday night. This has been NO FUN AT ALL, but I did sew a bit yesterday and today. Three quilts on the go. Progress report later. Great doctors, and God had a reason for the long wait in ER the second time. If interested, the spiritual purpose of all this is on my other blog. It really blesses me to know that the Lord uses even this for good!
Sending well wishes your way!
Oh mygoodness - so sorry - what a negative impact on your creativity!!! Hope better days are ahead!!!
Miss you - worried etc. Hope you are back to feeling well very soon.
Elaine, you are so kind. Recovery was mostly trying to get the blood clots and other obvious junk out of my head... and trying to be kind to not get it bleeding again. I was told to use vaseline and polysporan to keep it moist but both of them have some allergen that stuffs me up. My GP told me this week to try coconut oil as it also stops bleeding. She was right. Amazing stuff. Still catching up... ta for caring!
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