Yes, I'm quilting... but slowly and not very often. Major setback this past week with gushing nosebleed that would not stop. Trip to ER, taken in immediately, could not slow it down never mind stop it. Had to have it packed. Painful beyond description plus instant sinus headache. Pain killers did not work. Friday the packing was taken out, but that didn't feel good either. My head is still full of blood clots and mucus. Couldn't breathe through left side until yesterday. Sleeping good, 13 hours on Friday night. This has been NO FUN AT ALL, but I did sew a bit yesterday and today. Three quilts on the go. Progress report later. Great doctors, and God had a reason for the long wait in ER the second time. If interested, the spiritual purpose of all this is on my other blog. It really blesses me to know that the Lord uses even this for good!
This finish is about 32" x 40" and made of the leftovers from one that I cut out and made the blocks before deciding to change it (link). It was a great size to practice quilting on, both ruler and free-motion. To my eye, the quilting was clumsy but after it is finished, it looks okay.
Then off to a guild sew day on Saturday and was given 13 blocks and a bunch of fabric to 'make the top.' This is another charity project. Of course the blocks are not all the same size and none of them have points in the right place on the outside edges, but it is starting to look better than I feared. The setting squares will be yellow not dark like the two in the photo. I'll add a white border and make binding out of the leftover print so it will be varied around the outside and nicely frame it.
I cannot believe the last post was more than a month ago. But I have been busy. I'm working on a charity quilt and one for my living room wall.
The charity quilt is small so will likely wind up in one of those silent auctions where people either go big and buy a week in the Bahamas, or want something small for a gift.
The living room is getting an original. We bought new furniture including a long, low TV stand. Not wanting to put it on the wall meant it dropped below the electrical outlet and cable receptacle on the wall that had been hidden. Rumor has it we are getting a bigger TV but in the meantime, I wanted to hide those two little white boxes. So I designed a long skinny tree with dark background and bare branches. I sewed the background together on my machine but the tree is applique. Several more football games and it will be done. No photo except a "before" one... that I cannot find. Sigh.
This past week I made a list of all the kits, patterns, planned projects, etc. and the number was large. So I used one of those 'compare and prioritize' charts. It resulted in a list of what I'd like to get done and in what order. For some reason, this makes me feel better even though it is a bit overwhelming. Too much fabric, too many ideas, no personal assistant! Here is a photo of the one that made 'first to finish' at the top of the list.
Below is the finished version from the pattern, but because it is a medallion, I can stop when I want to, or when I run out of fabric. My version is paler and prettier than it looks in the above picture. I'm not sure I want to do all those HST, pinwheels, and flying geese, but will finish the FPP arcs. They are easy and very pretty.