This one was an experiment. Have you ever bought a quilting magazine because the patterns looked good, but later you looked at it and said, "What was I thinking?" -- Someone who knows not much about quilting gave me a quilting calendar last year. The first picture on January 1 was this one. I liked the quilt, but ugh, those colors... 
So I grabbed some pieces out of my stash and made it in much different colors (sorry, the photos are fuzzy and the colors are a bit off). I'm still not crazy about it, but this shows the difference fabric can make. It also shows how long it can take me to make even a small project... sigh!
Below is the full version. It is about 44" square and the colors are a huge improvement, closer to the small view on the right. I still haven't given it a name (or a label).
Back a few months ago, our small church quilting group made a nativity quilt to hang in the church. I decided to draft and sell the pattern. It came off an old Christmas card and took two years to get copyright permission. Even at that, they gave me permission to make a few, so I did 24 patterns and sold them in a few weeks, asking each person who bought one to send me a photo when it was done. Here is the first completion. It is from Doris, in Ontario, Canada. Didn't she do a great job! I am really excited and hope to do more patterns...
Sorry, I lightened it up -- a bit too much, but it is lovely! I'm not sure what size she made it, but the original was about 84" wide, as was the pattern, so this looks like she followed it and made the large one.
Merry Christmas!