Monday, January 21, 2008

Optical Illusion

My husband is one of those guys who loves his old shirts. They must be falling apart before he will part with them. When he reluctantly added several plaids and stripes to the 'only good for rags' pile, I grabbed them without him knowing, removed the buttons (whatever for, I've no idea - who uses old shirt buttons?) and cut off all the parts that were not worn thin or paint-spattered.

The result was this small lap-quilt which I called OPTiCAL ILLUSiON. I surprised him with it since he'd thought those shirts were gone forever. He uses it in the winter on those days that hit -20 or even -40 and he is almost home from work before the car gets warm. Besides the fact that quilt keeps his knees from freezing, I rather like the way it makes my eyes bounce.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Yes that does keep the eyes bouncing around. I like it. I think we all save the shirt buttons, but like you I'm not sure why. A jar full of them would make a nice decorative touch though.

dot said...

Looks like a nice mosaic tile to me. I am sure your husband will like this quilt. It is just in us to save those buttons.