This quilt top was done last year but finally made it to the longarm. I'm not sure I like the pantograph I used, but the best part is that it is finished. It is 55.5" x 71" so about a twin or a large lap quilt. It will go to a charity in town.

Even though the colors in the binding are not a perfect match, all those colors are in the various plaids. Stripes make the most attractive edge for some quilts. I really like it on this one.
This week has been a stressful, up and down week so far. A friend tells us his wife is leaving him. Another friend's sister (only 41) had a massive stroke and without the quick thinking of her young daughter may have died. We just got word last night that a dear one who is 91 also had a stroke and cannot move. She is ready to meet Jesus, but I love her so much and cry that she is suffering. Also a family issue with news that helps us with some questions. Good news but emotional. Besides all of this, several prayer requests, some quite stressful for those who asked for support. I feel their pain and have them on my mind continually. Making quilts is certainly therapy and helps me as life happens.

I have a nice pink backing draped over the longarm waiting for me to get the batting trimmed to size. It goes on a pink top made from scraps. Pink is not my fav color, but love this one. I also have two more tops that need quilting, and at least six baby quilts with fabric stacked up ready to sew, several boxes of scraps that will make several fun scrappy projects, and project boxes here and there that keep calling my name. Will I live long enough? Have to... and get all those quilts finished!