So far, this is what I have. She says, with 10" borders (not cut out), this little pile of stuff will make a queen-size quilt. Hmmm! Do I believe her? Only because she is my friend! I put my ruler in the photo so you can see how small these piles are. There are 80 4-patch blocks, 20 of the 9-patch, and 80 of the hourglass. The rest remain to be put into something?
More on Monday. In the meantime, I'm quilting the rest of K-2, and here is a photo of Jen's kaleidoscope quilt ready to be sewn together.
Not bad for someone who has never sewn anything! She says looking at it terrifies her, but everyone loves the Amy Butler fabrics!
I have stumbled across this page as a result of pure chance, and before I leave to continue my meandering I would like to say that, for the few minutes in which I have become acquainted with some of your work, I am extremely impressed. Your work is absolutely beautiful, and well, I can't offer much more than that in being so severely limited in any similar strain of artistic self-expression. I just hope that you continue to do this for as long as the mood takes you, as it is simply marvelous to look upon, and as strange as this may sound, it does my heart a lot of good. There's something universal about art that bridges so many gaps, and looking upon your work without having any knowledge of who you are and having such positive sentiments roused within me proves that concept. It's just funny to think that with the development of the Internet, nobody is ever truly sure of the magnitude of the positivity that they are creating, which now almost inevitably extends beyond the realm of people with whom they are familiar -- so in any case, continue the upkeep of your art so that idiots like me can observe ideas from afar and so develop a far greater sense of comfort in the realization of the interconnectedness of the human race.
I wish you and everyone in your life the best, and even though that may sound insincere as I am completely unaware of who you even are, the personality that has conveyed itself through your art has enabled me to speak those words with utmost earnestness. Take care, and thank you for sharing a part of your passion with the rest of the world.
I have never done a mystery quilt. I'll be watching to see the progress.
Please tell me you won't send any more Alberta clippers down our way.
Jen should be proud! This will be a lovely quilt.
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