Friday, February 24, 2023

For want of a title...

This is my window hanging for March. It was made in one of the busiest few weeks of my life. Don't know why February was so filled with appointments, interruptions, and more, but it is nearly over... hope March is as fun as making this little quilt! I am calling it "St. Pat's Hat" for want of a better title. It will replace the "Love" quilt now in our dining room window, visible to all who pass by... sort of a wave "Hello" and for me, a relief from making big quilts.

My hubby had surgery Wednesday at 1:30 and the hospital called at 3:30 to pick him up! He had no pain then, it came later but not severe. I'm amazed and so thankful to God who answers prayer in such surprising ways! DH wants to go to a luncheon today. Not sure that is wise, but he is feeling wonderful, even with an incision a few inches long.

As for quilting, I'm awaiting a shipment of border fabric and have a few starts in my studio. It was looking like an explosion in a fabric mill but cleaned it a bit last night and will do more sewing today on a few other projects in boxes stacked high.

We are at -30 C here, and in Fahrenheit that is just as cold! But I am Canadian - have a coat good to -40, so am also going shopping!

1 comment:

Elaine Adair said...

Good to hear of positive report on DH hospital visit. Yes, February for many has been a bugger! Too much snow, too cold temps, too many errands and have-tos. Heres hoping to spring and good health.