Friday, February 21, 2025

Sweet Baby and a sweet surprise

The label went on, the record page is in my scrapbook, and this one is officially done. It will likely go to Basically Babies, but I like it so much that I might wait to see if someone near has a baby in their near future. It is a panel. I added the borders and find the color combination exciting. A name didn't come to mind so just used the writing on the fabric.

My surprise? This quilt below was made in a class in 2007. The teacher had been with Ricky Tims and was given permission to teach his kaleidoscope quilt. We purchased the pattern and had so much fun making it. Mine turned out about 50" by 50" and since then, I've made several more. Of course they all turn out differently. Anyway, when we recently moved, there is no place to hang it and it does not work with our warm color scheme so I decided to donate it to our Guild Community Outreach group. This morning the coordinator of that group called to tell me what happened to it -- it is now hanging in this city's Ronald MacDonald House! What a lovely surprise. There is a story how it got there, but that was not anything I did. I'm just blessed that the Lord decided to get it there in a place where others can enjoy it.

I'm working on my 12th quilt since our move the last week of October. All but two are baby quilts made from panels. It seemed I was finished but this week found four more in my stash. One is grey and black with a bit of bright blue in it and will use up the rest of my bits of blue in a border. Two are growth charts with the alphabet on them and the third is another alphabet panel with every color possible in it. That will make a big dent in my box of solid-colored scraps.

I'm still very tired most days and need to rest often. As my Dad often said, too many birthdays!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Pink Scraps


Scraps never fail to amaze me. I'm not that fond of pink and seldom use it. It may be the smallest pile in my stash. However, I saw an online picture that appealed, got out the pick bin, and just finished this lap quilt. I swear that scraps multiply in the dark.

Of course there are various tones, a few florals with pink in them, etc. I even used the wrong side of some that were just too bold the way they were. It finished at 59" x 61" and has a pink print backing with the same fabric on the binding. AND there is enough pink leftover to make another, likely a lap size or maybe a large baby quilt. 

However, next on the list is a panel for Basically Babies. So far, it is my favorite. It should be done in a few days. This pink one took longer because I decided to hand-stitch the binding. . . blame all those hockey games.

Btw, it hit -30C here this week, after being +7C all the week before. I keep saying, if you don't like the weather here, wait a minute! Good weather for long naps.