Our local quilt shop has "Quilt Talks" once a week. The topic yesterday was "Rhapsody Quilts" as made by Ricky Tims. The presenter had taken Ricky's class, made a large quilt that we loved, and told us some stories. She said that Tim's idea about these quilts comes from his musical background. He want them to flow, like music.
Then she told us the meaning of 'rhapsody.' Apparently, 'rhap' means to sew, and 'yodei' means a song. Did he know that before he picked the name for these interesting quilts? I don't know, but I do know that I must make one of these.
The main part of the talk was instruction on how to design and do just that. I ordered Ricky's new book last week. It hasn't come yet, but I've got a few sketches already... and am totally side-tracked. No wonder my cupboard is so full of UFOs! I also picked up a bit of fabric... yikes.
The photo is not my quilt (wait a couple of years for that) but one of Ricky's. Click the link at the side to see more. This one is called Bohemian Rhapsody. If anyone has made one, I'd like to hear from you.
I might try with something smaller, and it will not be in these colors (even though I have a neighbor who loves this so much she'd serve me forever if I made one for her just like it). My design is fairly intricate, and piecing it will be a challenge. Yes, these are pieced... with applique on top, but put together without pins! Ricky strikes me as something of a quilting daredevil!
Back to the sewing machine...
The past few weeks have been taken up with remodeling our bedroom. New flooring, wall color, furniture, bedding. I'm exhausted, but also frustrated. Other than my once-a-month get together with other quilters, I've not been able to sew at all. Oh, I've looked at quilt books (a new book does not automatically mean a new quilt) and read blogs (same thing) and been inspired, even opened EQ6 last night and played with an idea, but no fabric creations. I'm frustrated.
But there is one little gem that did come out of all this. I'd seen it in a McCalls 2005 Christmas quilt magazine and had to make it for 'show and tell' at our group. I've cut out another one, and these are so easy! The pattern called for a 6" orphan block but my leftovers were too large so used a small piece that I'd stamped on during an Earthly Goods class. The colors in the photo are a bit anemic. The green is rich, darker, but sparkles.
Oh, the bedroom turned out absolutely gorgeous... but now I need a new quilt, a king-size to boot. I guess that a new bedroom does automatically mean a new quilt. Sigh! Those UFOs are never going to be finished...